1. Open console (Ubuntu ALT+CTRL+T)
2. Download specific openocd fork source code using following command
git clone -b stm32mp1 https://github.com/sysprogs/openocd.git
3. Type following commands
cd openocd
For Ubuntu 20.04 needs to update 2 files
in file openocd/src/flash/mflash.c modify in line 1162 from memset(pSegIdDrvInfo->reserved7, 0x00, 190); to memset(pSegIdDrvInfo->reserved7, 0x00, 186);
In file openocd/src/helper/options.c comment out lines
ifdef HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H include endif
After that, type in following commands
sudo make install
Copy stm32mp15x_dk2.cfg into /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/target/stm32mp15x_dk2.cfg
sudo cp tcl/board/stm32mp15x_dk2.cfg /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts/target/stm32mp15x_dk2.cfg
Connect to target
sudo openocd -f target/stm32mp15x_dk2.cfg
Thanks to Rzepa for help in preparing this article